How Many Licks Does it Take…

Bella’s trying to steal my ice cream when she THOUGHT I wasn’t looking.

Uh-oh, Bella did it again. She decided to wake my brother up by scratching at the door. Unfortunately, it was 3am this time. Naughty girl! I’m sure Charlie was there trying to tell her it was too early.

Bella been so affectionate lately. All it takes from me is a few pets and snuggles and she’ll give me a few licks. Sometimes it’s on my face, hand or even my ankle if she’s trying to get some food. (I think she’s learned that being nice will get her treats faster than being grunty.) I even got a licking from Charlie. That occurrence is quite a rare one.

One thought on “How Many Licks Does it Take…

  1. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. You may find the details in my latest post. I hope you have less than 200 followers, as that is one of the requirements. I love your bunnies!

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