WWYD for some Clover?

“Piper & Charlie”

Everyone is enjoying the clover in the hay we recently got from Agway. Bunnies and piggy included! They’ll probably wind up putting on a couple of ounces from it, but we’re a third through the bale already and we probably won’t have as much in the next. Everyone seems to have less of an appetite for pellets, which makes sense if they’re pigging out on clover instead.

I had to give my Charlie some hay without any clover in his litter box so he’d eat all of his pellets overnight. In the daytime he’s so eager to get some clover that he’s willing to jump into Piper’s higher litter box, even if she’s already in there! Look at those little legs go! I had to cut the side down on his box to encourage him to use it, but apparently clover trumps arthritis. Good to know!

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